Do You Really Care for Yourself?

In this present challenging environment, to most of us, the “I”, or “me” becomes the priority of all our mission. One can say in certainty, such attitude is the beginning of trouble and uncertainty in our journey.

 Nobody says we shouldn’t take care of ourselves, but, in order to facilitate our need, we have to know precisely what is really good for us. Simply feeding our desire is a never ending journey and such attitude will take away our merits and happiness rather than filling the space of our greed. As long as we could remember, no one has ever fulfilled all their needs or rather their greed because there is no limit to one’s wishes and desire. In pursuing all our requirements and needs, we are in fact punishing ourselves for unachievable goals in our life and if we keep continuing in the same manner, then you know the answer better than anyone else! Finally, if you really care, the best option is to be more contented and have less expectation and be appreciative of whatever you have and whatever there is around you!


The True Meaning of Happiness:

Harbor: moment of joy

Accept: love against hatred

Preach: kindness to all

Promote: harmonious environment

Illustrate: journey to a piece of mind

Nurture: power of love

Earn: respect not by force

Share: love and right motivation

Surrender: anger, jealousy and pride



Happiness is a Choice!

The same question has been asked of me time and time again:

How can I achieve happiness in my daily life?

People fantasize about so so-called extraordinary happiness-but often do not realize that every little happiness counts in our lives.

Beauty can often be found in the smallest of things, if you take the time to stop and look.

If you only know how to find happiness, you will realize that it is not only all around, but also with you.



Definition of Love

Loving: Conquer the world with love

Owning: Respect to others and oneself

Victory: Forms selfishness and egoism

Earns: Satisfaction and happiness




In this ever changing world, we are more concerned about our livelihood than about moral responsibilities and others. It is a fact that the comfortable environment where we used to live in is getting harder to achieve and easy to lose. Internally, we are preoccupied with so many concerns and we are just saving day to day: externally we are living in such a tumultuous world that we are simply walking like a blind man. Moreover, unfortunately such stories are not always short lived and it seems we just need to recognize that in such given environment, we have to move on and make best use of any opportunities there is for us to grab and be optimistic. However, when we lost our respect to our life and others because of such environment, then we are not respecting the main purpose of life, which is to love and be loved! Furthermore, to respect others is not a burden but it embraces happiness, friendship and goodwill. As long as we live in the world of mutual respect, even though the world may not be as beautiful as we hope, our inner world will be filled up with friendliness and mutual respect, love and care and so we can all contribute to a better tomorrow!

Hey buddies, everyone counts and your contribution is very important to save our only

world. Now is the time for us to give our helping hand to our world!

Let’s do it!