Embrace Changes

Since young we are always experiencing changes in every aspect of our life. However, today the changes are more rapid and so we can no longer afford to ignore and just brush them aside. Interestingly, what we have learnt from dharma is to go with the changes.

We have to utterly make sure that consciously we are aware of those changes .We can’t live the style of the 20th century when we are already in the 21st century. Personally, what I feel is that an individual who is able to adopt the changes will be more successful than those who refuse to accept the changes. What these changes really tell us? Not to live in your own world but to share and to learn how to let it go and how to adopt those changes happily. Therefore, impermanence is a way of life and changes are very much a part of our life! I am experiencing these changes every day too! With love


Getting use to in everyday life, a total focus plays an important role to achieve something from education to power, fame and much more. You may call it meditation or concentration. The real function of such practice is to be thoroughly present. Many problems arise when we are taken by surprises. Meditation is one of the most effective tools to tame our wild mind as it is mindfulness and awareness. Their functions are quite different. For instance, the mindfulness recalls whatever action we may have committed earlier and if it is wrong, then mindfulness makes sure that it won’t occur again. The practice of awareness keeps watch on us, every second, every minute and every moment and so save us from all kinds of emotions. Finally, such practice will save us from all kinds of wrong doing. It brings mental stabilities and definitely a more harmonious state of mind. Meditation brings temporal relief from instabilities of our mind and ultimately frees us from our emotions!