
What is generosity? It is an attitude of truly sharing without any discrimination or any expectation. We are living in a closely netted environment and we all share almost 99 percent with others. For instance, we all share space, water, air, the earth where we live, and it is also not uncommon to share with others what we have in our daily life.

What is really uncommon is to be selfish and less respectful to each other. If we know the true meaning of generosity, it is in fact receiving respect, love and so much more from others, by showing how we care and respect and by sharing our responsibility and contribution to others. We are offering what we can. The purpose of life is to be happy. By such a sincere attitude, we bring the light of joy to many who would otherwise be facing the pain of hunger, or the pain of lacking peace of mind. Generosity comes in many forms. What really matters is that we give with an open heart and respect. After all, this is beneficial for all. Have a wonderful day!



Practice of discipline is not about imprisoning our right but rather exerting that right in a more wise way to fulfil our needs. Our world is ever changing, and our temptation and desire may eat more than we can chew. Such an attitude is the biggest problem for most of us and we are simply inviting more uncertainty in our life. We all are afraid of wild animals and we have to be, because it may inflict harm on us. However, compare to wild undisciplined mind, wild animals are just little kittens playing around us. Moreover, our wild and undisciplined attitude will guarantee us not just pain but certainly down fall. Furthermore, practice of discipline is universal. In any country, without the rule of law will be chaotic and unliveable for anyone who is looking for a better tomorrow .Therefore, we have to look from every angle to see what the practice of disciple has to offer us for the betterment of our life. Finally if we have self discipline, prospect of living successfully and happily is almost guaranteed. When we do not observe self disciple, then leading a chaotic way of life is the only option and no one benefits at all!