Positive Emotions

It is quite normal to have emotions and to experience negative effects of the emotions in everyday life. However, it is not totally normal to let the emotions ruin our lives.

First of all, we all need to take a deep breath inside and don’t let your worries, anxieties, expectations, anger and jealousy pull you all over the places. That is what happens when we are going through rough patches every day. Many times in life, instead of finding solutions within, we try to blame someone else for our own wrong approach and always looking for scapegoats, even though what we are seeing is a reflection of what we have inside. If you want to see the bottom of the lake, then you can’t afford to stir the water. Similarly, when emotions disturb our mental stabilities, we can’t really find the right solutions. So in order to find sensible solutions, we need to hold back and let our wisdom take over from there. Moreover, if we are prepared and practice a little patience, one will find the right solution. Therefore, be patient, be more accommodating and with the right wisdom, positive emotions will prevail!