See Through Your Wisdom Eyes

We always blame the time for the changes that we see around today, but failed to recognize our wrong effort is the main contribution to all the unfriendly changes in our otherwise liveable environment.

In the 21st century, the world has seen the most changes and its share of misfortunes compare to changes that took place in earlier centuries. Today, we have reached a most critical juncture in our lifetime and what we do today will decide the future of the fragile environment for all forms of life in this earth! Many of us always discourage ourselves by thinking that my contribution is too little to make any difference. However, if I am right, when we count, 1 may sound too little to us but without one there is no 2. What this tells us is that, every effort is counted to save our environment and to secure our own future for the next generation. Therefore, our intelligence helps to move forward but wisdom eye is the one which moves towards the right direction. As we have learnt, changes are inevitable, however, wrong changes can be dangerous and may bring misery to many.

Miss you guys!