Why Are We Not Happy?


Even though technology and living conditions have improved drastically in the 21st century, yet people are not happy as they used to be. Many may have various reasons why they are less happy than before. Though I do agree with many the reasons why they are less happy but I would like to share my own explanations on why people are less happy these days inspite of having everything in life.

In my opinion, individuals are unhappy because their expectation is growing rapidly more than they can actually cope.

Dreaming of unrealistic goals to accomplish and comparing themselves among others makes it harder for their mind to be in a tranquil and peaceful state. Firstly, our world is changing at an unstoppable speed and we are all concerned about our own future. We are not sure what really lies ahead of us. In addition, to move according to the time, our expectations grow with it, and we are struggling to keep up with the pace. We all know that trying to fulfill all our wishes and expectations is an impossible task in our whole life. All these expectations make our life more miserable and very unhappy.

Secondly, we all tend to have wild dreams and it is difficult to fulfill such dreams. For instance, every morning, when we read newspaper about successful individuals, we immediately wish to be such a person and of course this is very hard to even imagine. Hoping to become super rich, famous and powerful are unrealistic dreams in such a short period. However, it is nothing wrong just to wish, but believing to be super rich is just an impossible task. Unfortunately, it only makes us unhappy and upset.

Finally, our happiness decreases because we may start thinking why others are happier, wealthier and more famous than ourselves. Happiness does not depend on others, but it is purely up to us. There is a report written by some professors from different universities and they have all came to one conclusion. The study clearly shows that in order to be happy we need to change our mind set and simply hoping and comparing with others may not really enhance our happiness.

Therefore, happiness is not all about having more a wealth, power and fame, but clearly having fewer expectations and achievable goals to bring us more lasting happiness.