Our lives are already full of challenges, so if we make our goals too big, then this ambitious attitude may make our lives even harder.

So, in my opinion, it may be better to first see whether this dream of ours is reachable or not.

Today, we all talk and share thoughts about freedom, and we also associate freedom with living in free countries and free societies. But even if we have the opportunity to live in such environments, we may not necessarily be as free as we might think. Many of us today live in environments where we are imprisoned by our goals, wants, and wishes. But true freedom does not come until we are totally free from the materialistic world and learn to live healthy and happy lives. This requires harnessing love and kindness not only for ourselves, but for others as well. This also involves developing qualities such as contentment and satisfaction. If we are able to acquire these kinds of wealth, then wherever we live, we will always be free and happy. So, it is most important to find freedom within.

Today, we are becoming more selfish in a way because we tend to think only about how we feel, and not about others. Such an attitude makes sharing and living with others more difficult. Our lives are full of uncertainties, but this is made easier by supporting one another. But in order receive help, we have to start helping and loving others. In this regard, we have much to learn from our neighbors, and hopefully it is not too late.

It is hard to believe that despite all the dangers that we face everyday, we tend to take our lives for granted and go on with our daily routine. Therefore, we cannot afford to lose mindfulness and awareness for even a moment.

Sometimes it is not the words that may change the outcome, but simply what radiates from deep within us. So, as long as we are insincere, true change will never come.

Today if we read articles from many scholars, we will learn that happiness is contagious. For example, someone who spends more time with happy individuals will tend to experience positive effects. However, laziness and sleepiness are also contagious. Therefore, we need to be careful with our associations.

We are always protective of everything in our lives and most of us tend to think that dangers might be surrounding us in many forms. However, in my opinion, the real dangers lie within, but if we guard ourselves from anger, jealousy, and hatred, then we have protected ourselves from most of the dangers. Otherwise, even if we had no enemies in the world, we could still be in danger.

In our everyday life, our emotions seem to have control over our actions, and if we let our negative emotions lead the way, this will not lead to beautiful or positive results. There are individuals who like to express everything that they think and feel, but our experience tells us that this will not necessarily lead to the outcome that we hope for. So, we have to look within and inquire whether it would be beneficial to spill out all our thoughts and emotions or whether remaining silent is a more effective method for dealing with our negative emotions. Once we give importance and power to our negative emotions, they may become overwhelming, and at the end of day, we might lose everything.

Friendship is based on trust and mutual respect for each other. It takes a long time to know one another but as time goes by, our trust gets cemented. This doesn't mean that everything will always go well, because our suspicion and our easily listening to the gossip of others might affect our friendship. Thus, in my opinion, when there is misunderstanding, instead of listening to rumors, we should meet and settle it through the sincerity in our hearts. Otherwise our friendship may simply fall apart. Therefore, listening to advice has a lot of merit, but following gossip and rumors will destroy what we have worked many years for in just a few minutes. So, let our wisdom and experience play the central role in keeping our friendships even longer.

Most people devote the precious moments of their lives to exchanging paper, even at the cost of their health. After awhile, they may try to use their wealth to bring back their good health, and the story does not end there. When they finally begin to appreciate their lives, time is already up. Therefore, we should live our lives in the present because this is where transformation happens.