We all wish for and work very hard to achieve success.

Of course, in relative terms, we can be proud of our success and enjoy the fruit of our tremendous effort. At first, everything may seem perfect. But as time passes by, we may come to sense that this is not what we were looking for. Now, the taste of our earlier success is simply fading away, and in order to keep the same feeling of success, we have to work even harder. Moreover, when we spend all our energy striving for success, then there will be little time left to enjoy our lives. This process is like a wheel which just goes round and round. So, we have to really understand the true value of contentment, which can allow us to be happy with whatever we achieve, because at the end of the day, what really matters is how happy we are and not how much we own.

In summary, success is not the only thing that makes our lives more meaningful. Sharing kindness and love with each other is what gives us purpose in our lives.