Hi Friends, just in case you are not in our emailing list but intend to attend Gharwang Rinpoche's coming program, kindly note that we have just received a call from Teochew Building amending the venue for the additional two days program on 5th & 6th June(Tues & Wed) from Cultural Room to the Auditorium. The reason given by them is that they need the Cultural Room for their Art Exhibition..
However..., please do not forget to attend and receive the bountiful blessings of 100 Deities & Guru Zambala from lst to 3rd June (Fri to Sun) at Futsing Association Hall!

Receiving the empowerment of 100 Deities is just like receiving the whole "universe" ! On the last day of the grand puja (3rd June Sunday), everyone will receive a very special blessing from Zurmang's 300 year old Zambala Statues(back & white) that belonged to the previous Gharwang Rinpoche. This is the very first time that Rinpoche will be using the statues to bless us ALL! So we sincerely hope you will not miss the rare opportunity! Thank you for your kind attention.