"Chang Chog Puja on Sunday 14th Aug (3pm) @ ZKBC"


Dear friends,
We are organising Jang Chog Puja on Sunday, 14 August 2011 at 3pm in conjunction with the Chinese tradition of Hungry Ghost Festival.
If you wish to participate by dedicating prayers to the deceased, kindly email your name and contact no to me by and make a contribution of $10 per item when you come for the puja on the same day before 2.30pm.
Otherwise, you may also choose to send in a cheque with your particulars, stating your choice of Jang Chog. We will need to receive the cheque by Thursday, 11 Aug 2011 and thereafter followed by an acknowledgement telephone call upon receipt of your request.
Choice of Jang Chog Prayers - to dedicate prayers to :
- Wondering Souls (十方法界无主孤魂)
- Karmic Debtors(历劫冤魂债主)
- Ancestors(历代祖先)
- Deceased(亡者)(pls provide deceased name only)
We look forward to your participation!
Best regards
Florynce Wee
Secretary for ZKBC Singapore