Hello Dear Friends, we have great news for you!
The Venerable 12th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche has brought with him the most sacred and precious Sri Singha Statue that belongs to the 6th Zurmang Gharwang centuries ago to bestow a special blessings on all participants this Sunday at Futsing Association Hall. Hope you will not miss this precious and rare moment! 



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  Amitabha Grand Puja May 27 to 29 2011
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Amitabha Grand Puja May 27 to 29 2011 - Vol 1

Amitabha Grand Puja May 27 to 29 2011 - Vol 2

Amitabha Grand Puja May 27 to 29 2011 - Vol 3

Amitabha Grand Puja May 27 to 29 2011 - Vol 4

Amitabha Grand Puja May 27 to 29 2011 - Vol 5

Amitabha Grand Puja May 27 to 29 2011 - Vol 6

  Rinpoche using power point to present and
teach the Jewel Ornament of Liberation

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Rinpoche using power point to present and teach the Jewel Ornament of Liberation


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