** Centre Mainentance  

For $50.00 monthly contribution towards the center for its upkeeping and maintenance and also as offering of food to the resident lama and visiting lamas, daily Tara Puja will be done on behalf of the sponsors.

As we all know, Tara, which literally means "saviouress" or "she who liberates", is strongly associated with compassion and referred to as the "mother" of all the Buddhas. She is said to be able to protect us from the eight great fears including worldly tragedies and so forth and thus the daily practice of this puja will help remove our worldly fears.

Or Mahakala Puja (also for a sponsorship of $50.00 monthly towards the center’s maintenance). Mahakala, a protector, is the wrathful manifestation of Avalokiteshvara (Kwan Im). This puja is performed to help remove all kinds of obstacles in both our practice and daily life such as obstacles in our work place, in the family and in the business environment. It will help us lead a more "peaceful" life with less stress through the blessings of the Deities.

It is also highly recommended for the individual to chant mantras daily even though prayers are done on one’s behalf. Please note that oral transmission from Rinpoche or our Resident Lama is required before embarking on the chanting of the mantras. Do get a copy of Gharwang Rinpoche’s CD to assist you.