Nagas (snakes, water dragons.) can be wisdom holders, and can also cause skin diseases, depletion of life force energy and other obstacles. It is wise to make offerings to Nagas, when disturbing the earth for any reason. It is believed that one's present wealth, fame, health, confidence, merits will improve, obstacles and sickness will be eliminated, one will always meet good friends and masters, has a happy harmonious family with pleasant looking and intelligent children, there will be fine weather in the region with sufficient rainfall, good harvest, and the country will enjoy peace and harmony., last but not least one will accomplish one's practices.

Rinpoche and lamas will make offerings to the 8 Naga Kings and their retinues including deities who are in charge of different oceans, lakes, rivers, streams and well in order to appease them, so to help us fulfill our wishes and increase our merits. We should also dedicate the merit both toward the fulfillment of our aspiration, and also for the benefit of all sentient beings. For example, if one wishes to be free from a particular suffering such as a skin disease, the Naga offerings made should be dedicated to the peace and well being of the injured Nagas, and the aspiration can be made that by this offering may all beings afflicted by the wrath of the Nagas be forgiven for their mistakes and may they meet with the cessation of their ailments etc. Similarly one should pray: May all beings awaken to the heart of enlightenment by this generosity and may this Naga offering assure prosperity for all beings.

The Naga Wealth Vase is available for sponsorship at $68 each. As the ferry has limited seats, please register early to avoid disappointment. Going out to the sea to do the offering is not compulsory, Rinpoche and the lamas are able to do on your behalf. The aspiration and the motivation is more important. Please note that all those going on board the ferry to participate must observe being a vegetarian for that day and to pay additional $12. Thank you

Photo Gallery ( Year 2005 to 2007 )

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